Thursday, April 26, 2012

Second Article Published.

My second article was published by here.  In the article I talk about the most anticipated MOBA of the year, DOTA 2, going free to play.  For those of you who didn't know, DOTA stands for Defense of the Ancients.  It was a mod for the game Warcraft III which created the first of a new genre of game that would soon come to be one of the largest influences in esports.

What I found amusing about the whole development of DOTA 2 was the lawsuit.  You see, DOTA 2 was developed by Valve, which created series like Portal, Half-Life, Team Fortress, and Counter Strike.  Warcraft III was developed by Blizzard.  Valve never asked Blizzard if they could make a sequel.  PC gamers all over the place were placing bets on when Blizzard would speak up.  For whatever reason, Blizzard didn't file a lawsuit until way late in the development stages.   The game was in closed beta, I believe, when the lawsuit was filed.  Now, I know that some of you believe that Blizzard deserves rights to DOTA 2, but consider this:
First, Blizzard didn't make DOTA, it was a mod.  Which means a developer, who was not tied to Blizzard, created DOTA using the Warcraft III map editor and some code.  Second, Valve never states that DOTA 2 stands for Defense of the Ancients 2.  So technically, its a different title.  And third,  Valve hired the man behind the creation of DOTA to work with them for DOTA 2.  Blizzard did nothing with the development of DOTA but that didn't stop them in trying to get a piece of Valve's pie.  So, it ended with the case being dismissed and no loyalties being paid to Blizzard.

Anyway, back to my article, it has nothing to do with the lawsuit, I just got on a little side note.  I'll be trying DOTA 2 out when I get the chance.  I like to play the MOBA genre on occasion but I'm not at all a serious player that plays ranked matches all the time.

And, for those of you who didn't know, the first Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event is going on this weekend!!! You want access? Everyone who pre-purchases the game gets access to the event.  You can pre-purchase the game here.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Progress has been made.

I have officially published an article!  You can see my submission here on  It is an article that is about the new Squad system announced in Guild Wars 2.  I will be able to submit articles to the website as often as I can and hopefully at least most of them will be excepted.

Now, for my Tera review.  I apparently am not legally allowed to review a game that I have had closed beta excess, so I am unable to tell you my opinions from playing the actual game.  If I was part of a major company for example then they would have the ability and permission to write a review.  But as far as me? Who writes for a small (but growing) website and a blog with no followers? Yeah, not going to happen.

So, progress is being made.  I have finally got a piece published.  Now to keep publishing pieces.  I like writing for because I can write what I want, when I want.  But it doesn't really give me industry experience, but I am OK with that because at this moment I feel like I need to focus on my writing.  After I make a couple of successfully published articles, I will start looking for a website that will give me more experience in the industry with deadlines and topics.  But until then I will keep you guys updated on my progress and advancements to my dream career.

Also, I want to give a special shout out to all those on face book who liked my submission on  Thank you all for the love and support.  You guys make me feel that this career thing may, actually be, obtainable.  Until next time, peace.