Thursday, May 10, 2012

Guild Wars 2 PvP Preview

This is kind of a continuation of my preview article published on  Here, I will talk mainly about my PvP experiences in Guild Wars 2.  In the article I touched on the Dynamic Leveling System that Guild Wars 2 will be implementing.  The only way that allows you to level up past your true level is by doing some PvP.  By entering into any PvP match you are automatically bumped up to level 80 and your attributes follow suit.  So you immediately have the health and damage output of a level 80 as well as everyone else, making the playing field very even.  With that said, you still get the experience and drops (you get drops in PvP) appropriate to your true level.     

There are two types of PvP at the moment, Structured PvP and World PvP (or WvW).  Structured PvP is a mode that has different maps and the objective could change by the map.  The only objective that will come out with the release is Conquest.  Conquest is capture and hold game that is pretty intense because of the size of the map and the amount of players in them.  Fighting is almost continuous as you try to capture areas that the other team is trying to hold while defending your own areas.  When I played this I was very new to the game and wanted a taste of PvP early.  I hadn't gotten all of the skills with my staff unlocked yet, so when I went in and had everything available to me I was inexperienced at what each skill could do.  Needless to say, I died, a lot.  But that didn't slow down the fun factor.  

There is a mechanic in Guild Wars 2 that is called Downed which is a state that you go in before actual death.  And what it does is it gives you a chance to "fight to stay alive."  As soon as your health goes to zero, your character falls to the ground a little window pops up at the bottom of the screen that gives you different skills that you can use to try to finish off your attacker.  A bar over this window starts to slowly regenerate, once it is full then your character stands back up with half health.  Being in this state also gives other players to come by and heal your, getting you back on your feet quicker.  In PvP I found this mechanic a little annoying however.  The reason is because the only way to finish a character off is to walk up to them and press F.  It is a slow process and with me being an Elementalist and often killing people from a distance, I wasn't able to get into the thick of things and finish people off.  Now, I do believe there is a way for you to finish a player when they are downed with out walking up to them and performing a finishing move but I think this requires an area of effect skill because in PvP you can't target a downed player.  I will be interested to test this theory in the next weekend beta event later this month.  

Now, the second PvP mode is World PvP or WvW as it is called.  For me, this is where the money is at.  WvW is only one huge map of three waring servers.  Servers are ranked at how well they do in this PvP mode.  This match is a persistent match that lasts a month.  You can enter and leave whenever you want to participate and help your server.  For those of you who have played DAoC think RvR, it is very similar and probably inspired off the same idea.  It is this mode only that you can actually get drops from both players and NPCs.  In this mode you and your server try to take over the map and gain control of as much points as possible.  There are different types of building, the most powerful being the castle in the center of the map.  This castle is huge with an outer wall and an inner wall and guards that really tough to take down.  Obviously the main tactic in this mode is to Zerg it up.  What I mean by that is to run in large groups and swarm everything in your path.  What is a large group in WvW? 5? 10? No, no, no, more along the lines of 85 to 100 players storming the castles.  And that was in Beta.  I can't wait to see the organized chaos that will happen once release is here.   Now, to me, it seems that the server that can gather the most people for the longest will win in WvW.  But that could mean a couple of different things.  One, being that the tactics of the battle field haven't really had the chance to come to light yet.  Or two, that could very well just be the best tactic.  Regardless it was still fun to be an actual part of an army storming a castle while other players were shooting balistas trying to slow down our brutal intrusion.  

I highly enjoyed my PvP experience and I like PvP in general I think it breaks up the grinding and monotonous  "kill x amount of these" or "gather x amount of these."  The question is, how much PvP will I be doing in a game that has little to none of these type of quests? The world may never know.  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Second Article Published.

My second article was published by here.  In the article I talk about the most anticipated MOBA of the year, DOTA 2, going free to play.  For those of you who didn't know, DOTA stands for Defense of the Ancients.  It was a mod for the game Warcraft III which created the first of a new genre of game that would soon come to be one of the largest influences in esports.

What I found amusing about the whole development of DOTA 2 was the lawsuit.  You see, DOTA 2 was developed by Valve, which created series like Portal, Half-Life, Team Fortress, and Counter Strike.  Warcraft III was developed by Blizzard.  Valve never asked Blizzard if they could make a sequel.  PC gamers all over the place were placing bets on when Blizzard would speak up.  For whatever reason, Blizzard didn't file a lawsuit until way late in the development stages.   The game was in closed beta, I believe, when the lawsuit was filed.  Now, I know that some of you believe that Blizzard deserves rights to DOTA 2, but consider this:
First, Blizzard didn't make DOTA, it was a mod.  Which means a developer, who was not tied to Blizzard, created DOTA using the Warcraft III map editor and some code.  Second, Valve never states that DOTA 2 stands for Defense of the Ancients 2.  So technically, its a different title.  And third,  Valve hired the man behind the creation of DOTA to work with them for DOTA 2.  Blizzard did nothing with the development of DOTA but that didn't stop them in trying to get a piece of Valve's pie.  So, it ended with the case being dismissed and no loyalties being paid to Blizzard.

Anyway, back to my article, it has nothing to do with the lawsuit, I just got on a little side note.  I'll be trying DOTA 2 out when I get the chance.  I like to play the MOBA genre on occasion but I'm not at all a serious player that plays ranked matches all the time.

And, for those of you who didn't know, the first Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event is going on this weekend!!! You want access? Everyone who pre-purchases the game gets access to the event.  You can pre-purchase the game here.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Progress has been made.

I have officially published an article!  You can see my submission here on  It is an article that is about the new Squad system announced in Guild Wars 2.  I will be able to submit articles to the website as often as I can and hopefully at least most of them will be excepted.

Now, for my Tera review.  I apparently am not legally allowed to review a game that I have had closed beta excess, so I am unable to tell you my opinions from playing the actual game.  If I was part of a major company for example then they would have the ability and permission to write a review.  But as far as me? Who writes for a small (but growing) website and a blog with no followers? Yeah, not going to happen.

So, progress is being made.  I have finally got a piece published.  Now to keep publishing pieces.  I like writing for because I can write what I want, when I want.  But it doesn't really give me industry experience, but I am OK with that because at this moment I feel like I need to focus on my writing.  After I make a couple of successfully published articles, I will start looking for a website that will give me more experience in the industry with deadlines and topics.  But until then I will keep you guys updated on my progress and advancements to my dream career.

Also, I want to give a special shout out to all those on face book who liked my submission on  Thank you all for the love and support.  You guys make me feel that this career thing may, actually be, obtainable.  Until next time, peace.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Update on SSO review

Good morning everybody. still has not published my review of Seven Souls Online.  I am currently in the closed beta testing group for Tera and will post a review of the game when completed.  Since this is a site that I can still publish reviews on.  So until then.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Changing Direction

Hello everybody, I hope that you had a great week.  As the title of the post suggests I have decided to change the direction of the blog.  I still did a review for Seven Souls Online that is currently being reviewed by   Once it is posted then I will post the link on here.  It should be done today but I am unsure since I have never reviewed for them before.

OK, so now what I want this forum to be about.  This blog will be about my experiences and thoughts about getting into the gaming industry.  I will write about what I am doing to get there as well as what I am thinking about doing in order to help me get there.  So, to catch you up let me tell you what has been going on so far.  Since I have decided to get into the gaming industry through my writing rather then knowledge in computers, I have been (you guessed it) writing.  A lot.  At least for me anyway.  I have been writing on here through my blog, trying to stay active in as many gaming forums as I can, and I am also attempting to write a little fantasy novel of my own.  I figure the more that I write the better, hopefully, I get at it.  In high school I never really cared for English and I am terrible with proper grammar as well as spelling.   But, I am opinionated when it comes to this industry and I know it well, from PC, console and mobile gaming as well.  My overall, future goal is to be able to support my family through the gaming industry.

So, how do I overcome my horrible written English skills to successfully express my opinions to an audience while getting paid to do it?  There in lies the journey and the future of this blog.

My current objective is to gain experience.  I need to create a portfolio, because my degree is writing code and not articles, I need to be able to submit a series of well written various papers to publishing houses and websites.  I need to learn how to write and review games in a fashion that is not only informative but also entertaining.  So far I think I am getting the first down, but am unsure about the second.  That is why it is imperative that you guys participate.   I want to be critiqued and criticized for my work, right now at least.  That is how I will learn.

So, there it is, the future of my blog.  I wont have a set post date like a did with the reviews.  I will post my reviews in other places like and give you links here.  My Seven Souls Online review was very short, I didn't get hardly any play time with it at all and I know that the length and information content of the review was horrid, the only, reason I posted it at all was in case the one person who has viewed this blog so far was looking forward to my thoughts on it.  And to that person I would like to say, I am sorry and I will product better for you in the future if you give me the opportunity.

I hope you all have a good day and I appreciate your time and interest in this blog.  Please comment and follow, it will be motivation as well as informative.  Out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tribes: Ascend Review

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great week.  First off, lets cover the News Of The Week!!  Arena.Net has announced that on April 10 everyone will be allowed to pre-order Guild Wars 2.  There are three options to choose from that you can check out at  I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been looking forward to this game for years!  Once the pre-order is placed you will have access to all up coming Beta weekend events as well as a three day head start before the game is officially released.  If the pre-order turns out as good as the beta sign up did, they will have one million pre-orders.  Is it April 10th yet?

OK, now back to business.  Tribes: Ascend is a multiplayer only first person shooter developed by Hi-Rez Studios and is part of the Tribes franchise.  Tribes was first developed by Dynamix back in 1998 and consists of several games.  Hi-Rez is currently developing another Tribes game called Tribes Universe.  Tribes: Ascend is, however, my first experience with the Tribes franchise.  

OK, first off I had no problem downloading it and signing up and making an account was pretty straight forward.  I first downloaded it on my desktop, which is older but built for gaming.  When I first opened the game and let the update complete I noticed one thing immediately.  Lag.  My mouse was really behind my hand movements.  And anyone who has ever played a first person shooter before knows, that means death.  But I went ahead and tried to push through it anyway.

The first thing you will want to do is the training, because you find out quickly, while playing, that if you stand still, you will die rather quickly!  So know how to use your booster pack, and "ski" to stay alive.  Skiing is a great way to move quickly while your boost recharges.  The tutorial explains that it is best to boost uphill and ski downhill.  The problem with skiing is that you can not steer very well, if at all.  So the training is good at exercising those abilities.  And OK at target practice.  But that is about the extent of your training.  It appears that Hi-Rez just wanted you to get in there and get after it.

After doing some of the training missions, I entered into a game.  It was when I went straight in to Team Deathmatch and picked a side (you can pick between Blood Eagle and Diamond Sword and switch between them during a match if you wish) that I realized that I was going to get zero insight into the world I was fighting in and the side that I was fighting with.  Why was I killing these people? What stances do Blood Eagle and Diamond Sword have? Why are they enemies? Maybe if I had played any of the previous Tribes games I would have known.  But you would think that Hi-Rez would have provided a cut scene, or paragraph about each faction or something.  Me personally, I am a big fan of immersion.  I want to become a member of the world I am fighting in, and this game provided zero of that.  In my opinion there needs to be some added loyalty to the side you pick.  When you make your account you should pick a side after reading there views and stay true to your side.

Starting out you can choose one of three classes.  The Pathfinder has light armor and can move quick and fly high.  They can cross the length of a map rather quickly if you know how to boost and ski.  They are equipped with a Light Spinfuser, which is a rifle that shoots an explosive disc that is not effected by gravity.  And they also carry a shotgun.  The Soldier is a medium armored unit and is a good mix of toughness and speed.  They carry an assault rifle and a ThumperDX, think of the Thumper like a grenade launcher for those who are unfamiliar.  Then there is the Juggernaut.  This guy is a tank, with heavy armor and a lot of health, it takes skill to make him do much more then walk.  He comes equipped with a Fusion Mortar, which is a long range, large grenade launcher, and a SpinfuserMKD which is a Spinfuser with more splash damage.

As you play the game, you gain three types of experience.  One type is calulated at the end of the match and applied to your level.  I personally reached Level 7 which is a Squad Leader before I wrote this review.  The second type of experience you gain, is used to unlock upgrades, new weapons as well as new classes.  There are nine classes total, three for each type of armor.  Each class has its own armor, weapons, grenades and packs to unlock and upgrade.  The third experience are called credits and you accumulate them during a match for things like kills, assists, recovering a flag, repairing torrents, etc.  These credits reset at the end of the match so make sure they do not go to waste.  With these points you can spend them on either Vehicles, yes, there's vehicles and Call-Ins.

There are three types of vehicles, the Grav Cycle, the Shrike, and the Beowulf.  These vehicles are set up in the exact same way as the armor classes.  The Grav Cycle is quick with light armor and is set up like a motorcycle.  It does hold a passenger that can fire his weapon from the back.  The Shrike is a flying vehicle that comes equipped with a cannon and after burners.  It has medium armor with decent maneuverability.  But you can quickly become a target because everyone can see you high in the sky.  But with its maneuverability and long range cannons this is the most expensive vehicle of the lot.  The Beowulf is like a tank.  It can hold a passenger like the Grav Cycle and has a main cannon that does massive amounts of damage and a chaingun.  The thing I got about the Beowulf is that it has an after burner equipped to it that does absolutly nothing.  I saw no increase in the speed at all.  It didn't help me get up hills quicker or anything.  All it did was make a cool sound.  This was one of the things I had to look up in the Tribes wiki along with some lore.  And even the wiki states that the after burners on the Beowulf did nothing but make a sound.

With enough credits under your belt you can use a Call-In for support.  There are three types of Call-Ins.  The first one you will be able to afford is a Supply Drop.  And it is exactly that.  A station falls from the sky and lands where your target is and you are able to supply from there.  Maybe my playing style hasn't been tactical enough.  But when my life spans have been rather short, I have found little use for these.  The second one you can purchase is a Tactical Strike.  This brings a heavy barrage of missiles raining down from the sky in an area you mark.  Then there is an Orbital Strike.  I have never purchased an Orbital Strike because I couldn't afford one.  A player could get two Shrikes for the price of one Orbital Strike.  I have, however, seen one used.  That is when my mouth dropped.  After you mark the area where the strike will take place a siren goes off, giving the marked area three seconds to get out of dodge.  Afterwards, large lasers rain down from the sky doing a ton of damage with each hit in a huge area.  If you marked the center the other teams base you could easily take down everyone on the surface along with the torrents.

All of the maps  are covered in hills to ski down and there are either one or two main buildings in a map.  I was only able to play Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag because of my level, so I do not know how the other maps for the other game modes are laid out.  The maps over all look good and I enjoyed their textures.  Even though they were all hills they did a good job at mixing up and making the maps look unique by adding in different climates and backdrops as well as architectural styles.  The maps seemed to be a good size.  You didn't feel shoulder to shoulder and you could avoid death if you wanted to but you never really had to travel to find someone to frag.

Other features of the game were pretty standard.  You could join ques of different regions, you can fight with your friends, and spectate matches.  One thing did stand out to me though.  There is a tab for Ranked Match with a Coming Soon script over it.  It will be interesting to see how competitive Tribes: Ascend really gets.

So, for my rundown.  All and all, Tribes: Ascend is a really solid multiplayer first person shooter.  It is free-to-download, free-to-play.  Micro transactions are for getting gold, which takes the place of xp, and xp boosts during matches.  Nothing I saw would help you win just for paying cash.  And in my opinion that is a good thing.   What good is a free to play game when you have to pay to win?  I have two complaints.  The first is the lack of back story.  To me that is important but I know that there are a lot of you out there that could care less about back story, and that is fine, I am just stating my preference.  And the second is the toll it takes on my machine.  I played on both my desktop and my laptop.  It played better on my laptop with the i3 processor but still seemed to lack precision.  It seemed that people were killing me rather well so more then likely it is the fact that I no longer have a top tier gaming machine.  If you have played this game and experienced my same issues speak up, be heard and make a comment below.  I would like to know if this game has just poor controls because obviously that would alter my view of this game.  If you like the thought of a free first person shooter with booster packs, I highly recommend this game.  If you only like military fps's like Call of Duty, I still recommend you try just because, hey, it's free.

So there it was my first review, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment below.  What will I be reviewing next week you ask? Well, open beta for Seven Souls Online started today, so I am downloading as we speak.  Seven Souls Online is a free-to-play action based MMORPG with an extreme Eastern martial arts theme.  Check in next Wednesday to see what I think about it.  I hope you all have a fantastic week and please subscribe and comment below.  Out.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Hello large and growing world of gamers! Here is the deal with this blog, ready?  I went to college at DeVry University for a Bachelor's in Computer Information Systems to eventually go into the gaming industry.  That degree has led me down a different path, one in which gaming still remains just a hobby.  While that is great for most, I would like to pursue the possibility of making it more then that.   I believe with enough (well written) reviews, publicity and luck, I can get into the gaming industry through that of journalism.  So please join me here, at for gaming reviews and news. 

So, more about my gaming styles and experience.  I am 25 years old and my first console was a super Nintendo.  My first PC game was Baldur's Gate in which was the start of my first love of rpg's.  Now,  I play everything and will review everything.  I own a gaming PC and a PS3.  If you are a Xbox gamer don't worry, I don't hate you and don't be a stranger either.  Most of the games you will read reviews about will be free to play.  This is mainly do to the fact that I am not made of money.  Most of my reviews will come from the PC as well because that is where the Free to Play market is heading.  Consoles, on the other hand, is heading in the opposite direction it appears.  

Games I am currently playing, Guild Wars because I need to unlock gear for the start of Guild Wars 2 when it hits.  Battlefield 3 which is currently the only PS3 game I am investing time into.  And, of course, Skyrim, which is an amazing game and the only non-mmo I am playing.  And those are really it, of course I own a lot others but the three that soak up my time would be those.  I hope that with this blog my writing will also improve along with my reviewing abilities.  I will do my best to look at each game objectively and put it under a new and interesting light.  I hope to encourage discussion and gain an audience.  I will start with at least one post a week, being a review, and we will go from there.  This is exciting for me and I can not wait to get started.  I hope you enjoy this!

Please visit my blog again next Wednesday for my first review.  And it will be of Tribes: Ascend, a free-to-play multiplayer-only first-person shooter for the PC that is part of the Tribes franchise. I will try to have each weekly review up by 6:00 pm on Wednesday EST.   I hope you all have a good week of gaming and you will hear from me then.