Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Hello large and growing world of gamers! Here is the deal with this blog, ready?  I went to college at DeVry University for a Bachelor's in Computer Information Systems to eventually go into the gaming industry.  That degree has led me down a different path, one in which gaming still remains just a hobby.  While that is great for most, I would like to pursue the possibility of making it more then that.   I believe with enough (well written) reviews, publicity and luck, I can get into the gaming industry through that of journalism.  So please join me here, at for gaming reviews and news. 

So, more about my gaming styles and experience.  I am 25 years old and my first console was a super Nintendo.  My first PC game was Baldur's Gate in which was the start of my first love of rpg's.  Now,  I play everything and will review everything.  I own a gaming PC and a PS3.  If you are a Xbox gamer don't worry, I don't hate you and don't be a stranger either.  Most of the games you will read reviews about will be free to play.  This is mainly do to the fact that I am not made of money.  Most of my reviews will come from the PC as well because that is where the Free to Play market is heading.  Consoles, on the other hand, is heading in the opposite direction it appears.  

Games I am currently playing, Guild Wars because I need to unlock gear for the start of Guild Wars 2 when it hits.  Battlefield 3 which is currently the only PS3 game I am investing time into.  And, of course, Skyrim, which is an amazing game and the only non-mmo I am playing.  And those are really it, of course I own a lot others but the three that soak up my time would be those.  I hope that with this blog my writing will also improve along with my reviewing abilities.  I will do my best to look at each game objectively and put it under a new and interesting light.  I hope to encourage discussion and gain an audience.  I will start with at least one post a week, being a review, and we will go from there.  This is exciting for me and I can not wait to get started.  I hope you enjoy this!

Please visit my blog again next Wednesday for my first review.  And it will be of Tribes: Ascend, a free-to-play multiplayer-only first-person shooter for the PC that is part of the Tribes franchise. I will try to have each weekly review up by 6:00 pm on Wednesday EST.   I hope you all have a good week of gaming and you will hear from me then.   

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