Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Changing Direction

Hello everybody, I hope that you had a great week.  As the title of the post suggests I have decided to change the direction of the blog.  I still did a review for Seven Souls Online that is currently being reviewed by   Once it is posted then I will post the link on here.  It should be done today but I am unsure since I have never reviewed for them before.

OK, so now what I want this forum to be about.  This blog will be about my experiences and thoughts about getting into the gaming industry.  I will write about what I am doing to get there as well as what I am thinking about doing in order to help me get there.  So, to catch you up let me tell you what has been going on so far.  Since I have decided to get into the gaming industry through my writing rather then knowledge in computers, I have been (you guessed it) writing.  A lot.  At least for me anyway.  I have been writing on here through my blog, trying to stay active in as many gaming forums as I can, and I am also attempting to write a little fantasy novel of my own.  I figure the more that I write the better, hopefully, I get at it.  In high school I never really cared for English and I am terrible with proper grammar as well as spelling.   But, I am opinionated when it comes to this industry and I know it well, from PC, console and mobile gaming as well.  My overall, future goal is to be able to support my family through the gaming industry.

So, how do I overcome my horrible written English skills to successfully express my opinions to an audience while getting paid to do it?  There in lies the journey and the future of this blog.

My current objective is to gain experience.  I need to create a portfolio, because my degree is writing code and not articles, I need to be able to submit a series of well written various papers to publishing houses and websites.  I need to learn how to write and review games in a fashion that is not only informative but also entertaining.  So far I think I am getting the first down, but am unsure about the second.  That is why it is imperative that you guys participate.   I want to be critiqued and criticized for my work, right now at least.  That is how I will learn.

So, there it is, the future of my blog.  I wont have a set post date like a did with the reviews.  I will post my reviews in other places like and give you links here.  My Seven Souls Online review was very short, I didn't get hardly any play time with it at all and I know that the length and information content of the review was horrid, the only, reason I posted it at all was in case the one person who has viewed this blog so far was looking forward to my thoughts on it.  And to that person I would like to say, I am sorry and I will product better for you in the future if you give me the opportunity.

I hope you all have a good day and I appreciate your time and interest in this blog.  Please comment and follow, it will be motivation as well as informative.  Out.

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